Performing Arts Department

Music Program

The Vincennes University Music Program offers many options tailored to your interests. Whether those interests lie in the fields of Music Education, Music Performance, Music Theory and Composition, Church Music, Music Business and Industry, and/or Music Therapy, we've got you covered. Learn to teach, perform, or simply take part in an ensemble. No matter the path you take, the VU Music Program can help prepare you for transfer to a four-year institution and provide you with the skills you need for further development and success.

Contact Information

Sharon S. Jackson
Performing Arts Department Chair
Music Program Chair

Virgil Franklin
Audio Recording Program Chair

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Music (A.S.)

Our music curriculum includes two years of music theory and ear training aural skills, piano, private lessons in your chosen area, music literature, and a variety of vocal and instrumental ensembles. Many recital and performance opportunities exist, with a number of events occurring in the Red Skelton Performing Arts Center. At completion of this program, graduates will be trained in the required core music curriculum in order to pursue their baccalaureate degree at a transfer institution.
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Music - Audio Recording (A.S.C.T.)

This comprehensive program is designed to provide core skills in all aspects of audio recording. Through hands-on experiences, students are taught the basics of microphone technique, signal flow and the mixing console, analog, digital, and hard disk recording devices, mixing and mastering multi-track recordings for the production of compact discs, and an introduction to the Pro Tools hard disk recording system. Musicianship basics in music theory, piano, and MIDI sequencing are also provided.

This program is also available as a one year certificate.

To see what we can do, visit us @ YouTube VUMusic 

Theatre Program

The Vincennes University Theatre Arts program provides instruction in the theoretical, technical, interpretive, and performance aspects of theatre. Students will develop their acting, interpretation, and movement skills. At completion of the program, graduates will be trained in the aspects of general theatre and fully prepared to complete their baccalaureate degree at a transfer institution.

We are proud and humbled by the accomplishments of our alumni, such as Michelle Bombe (VU 83') who serves as the chair of the theatre department and residential costume designer at Hope College in Holland, Michigan and has been awarded the Kennedy Center Gold Medallion. For more information, Click HERE.

Contact Information

Kendra Clauser
Program Chair

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Theatre Arts (A.S.)

The VU Theatre Program offers a two year associates of science degree in theatre. The program includes instruction in the theoretical, technical, interpretive, and performance aspects of theatre. Students will develop their acting, interpretation, and movement skills.

At completion of the program, graduates will be trained in the aspects of general theatre and fully prepared to complete their baccalaureate degree at a transfer institution.

To see what we can do, visit us @ YouTube VUTheatre 

Performing Arts Department Faculty and Staff


Receive personal attention from dedicated professionals with academic and industry experience



Faculty Name/PositionFaculty Email
Sharon S. Jackson - Performing Arts Department Chair, Music Program Chair, Director of Bands, Percussion, Concert Band, Pep Band, Percussion EnsembleSJACKSON@VINU.EDU
Wade Baker - Brass, Brass Ensemble, Jazz EnsembleWADE.BAKER@VINU.EDU
Paul Blair - RSPAC Technical Director, Audio RecordingPBLAIR@VINU.EDU
Virgil Franklin - Audio Recording Program Chair, Audio Recording, Music Technology, ProTools, Guitar, Blues Ensemble, Music for the Elementary Teacher, Business of EntertainmentVFRANKLIN@VINU.EDU
Joseph Jones - Guitar, Guitar EnsembleJOSEPH.JONES@VINU.EDU
Scott Mercer - Audio Recording, Music Technology, ProTools, Guitar, Jazz Combo, History of American MusicSMERCER@VINU.EDU
H. Joyce Kim-Rohrer - Woodwinds, Woodwind EnsembleHKIM-ROHRER@VINU.EDU
Mark Snyder - Voice, Concert Choir, VU ConnectionMARK.SNYDER@VINU.EDU
Shelly Bitner - Voice, Music Appreciation, Introduction to World MusicSHELLY.BITNER@VINU.EDU
Dr. Kevin Priebe - Piano, Class Piano, Music Theory, Aural Skills KEVIN.PRIEBE@VINU.EDU



Faculty Name/PositionFaculty Email
Kendra Clauser - Theater Program ChairKCLAUSER@VINU.EDU
Illyanna Coy - Costume Shop ManagerILLYANNA.COY@VINU.EDU
Jaclyn Zimmerman - RSPAC Asst. Technical Director, Department Media/ Theatric Designer, Scene Shop Manager, StagecraftJZIMMERMAN@VINU.EDU



Faculty Name/PositionFaculty Email
DeEtta Welte - RSPAC Manager, Piano, AccompanistDWELTE@VINU.EDU

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